Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Renewable energy sources

Traditionally, wood is the main form in which biomass is used as an energy source. The biomass is used to boil water to provide steam to turn turbines. In Great Britain most commercially produced wood is used for timber, but when a conifer plantation is felled, there are branches and low-grade timber that can be used for fuel. Straw left over from harvesting cereal crops can also be used to produce energy. When used for energy the cost of collecting, storage and transporting bulky problems is a problem. Most examples rely on a community-based collection used locally in a close plant or used on the farm that produced the straw and is widely used in Denmark and the USA. Stubble used to be burnt, but this was made illegal in the UK. Most stubble is used for bedding. When burnt straw leaves ash, which contains nutrients, which can quickly be extracted from the soil by the new crop. This method is still used in many developing countries. It is very rarely ploughed in as it takes along time to biodegrade and as it does so it creates anaerobic pockets in the soil. Wood can be exploited as a renewable resource if fast growing species are used. In the UK willow is used (popular was also used once). The plants are grown close together then once a sufficient root system is established they are coppiced. Then all new growths when of the correct length are harvested and chipped. Once the willow is dried and then used. This is often used on low quality land (marginal) or set aside, or areas where biological control is being encouraged. Biomass to Gasohol Fermentation of sugar by yeasts converts the energy in sugar biomass to ethanol, which can then be used as a fuel. Gasohol is made of 80-90% unleaded petrol and 10-20% ethanol and is used in cars (It can be used in pure form, but petrol is added to stop people drinking it). The sugar is obtained from sugar cane and sugar beet. This form has been relatively unsuccessful. Sugar cane is grown in tropical areas, where as sugar beat is grown in temperate countries. The sugary sap is extracted and then treated to make molasses, which is then stored until it is needed for fermenting. Ethanol is a much cleaner fuel and produces much less pollution, but it is much more expensive to produce. Especially as the farmers can also sell the crop to be made into refined sugar. This production is unlikely ever to work due to politics and the oil industry. In the end it can not be considered as a real alternative ,as 80-90% of it is made from a fossil fuel. Once the sugar is extracted the fibrous residue (bagasse) is dried and then burnt as a fuel to ferment the malasses. 1) Growing and cropping of sugar. 2) Extraction of sugars by crushing and washing cane. 3) Crystallization out of sucrose (for sale) leaving the syrup of glucose and fructose (molases) 4) Fermentation of molasses to yield dilute alcohol. 5) Distillation of dilute alcohol to give pure ethanol, using bagasse as a power source. A more promising is oilseed rape which has been used to power buses in certain areas of the UK as part of a trial and in Italy, it is added to diesel and can be added to make up 30% of the mixture (rpae methyl ester, RME). It produces fewer sooty particles and no sulphur dioxide. Also coconut oil in Philippines, palm and castor oil, Brazil and sunflower oil in South Africa. Domestic waste Disposal of domestic and industrial waste has become a large problem around the world. In the UK about 300kg of waste is produced per person per year. Dumping the waste causes many problems e.g. leakage of pollution and using up land. It might be possible to burn the fuel for energy (cellchip in the UK in London does this but people have to separate some of the waste first. However, all the houses that take part close to the plant reciev free hot water.) Some landfill sites have been constructed to collect the gas (methane) produced from the anaerobic conditions for use. Agricultural waste (Biogas) Biogas can convert the energy in biomass into biogas, a gaseous fuel that consists mainly of methane, by fermentation. Typically biogas is made of: 65% methane, 35% CO2, with tracea of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and water vapour. usually dung (slurry) from farm animals is used in the fermentation process so that waste products are turned into something useful, as the leftover sludge can be used as a fertiliser. The digestion process occurs in 3 stages: 1) Aerobic bacteria convert lipids and carbohydrates in the biomass into sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and glycerol by hydrolysis (0-10 days, acids cause pH to fall). 2) Acetogenic bacteria convert sugars and other products of stage 1 into short-chain fatty acids e.g. acetic acid = acetogenesis (stages 2+3, 10-45 days acids used up, pH increases, methane produced.). 3) Anaerobic bacteria convert the fatty acids into methane = methogenesis. Conditions must be anaerobic as the bacteria are only active when there is no oxygen present. They are called obligate anaerobes. Temperatures must be kept between 30-40o because the bacteria are sensitive to temperature changes. The reactions take place in a digester. It must be i) Strong and large enough to hold large volumes of liquid and withstand pressure build up. ii) Gas-tight and allow aerobic conditions to be maintained. iii) Have an inlet for loading material, an outlet for the gas and a way of unloading the residue. iv) be buried in the ground to help withstand pressure and act as an insulator. Often several digesters are used together to maintain a continuous supply of gas. It provides a useful way of getting rid of animal waste. (eutrophication)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

David Hume- Aesthetics

David Hume is one of the most significant thinkers among the Enlightenment. He is motivated by the question what is beauty, and how certain responses to artwork reflect objectivity. Hume’s essay of 1757,â€Å"Of the Standard of Taste† elegantly describes examples of the tradition of aesthetic judgment The growth of scientific knowledge influenced a sense of general optimism among Enlightenment thinkers. This sense of optimism in result called for a more critical use of human intellect. By overturning long established dogmas, people scrutinized the very prerogatives of reason in relation to political and religious institutions.During this same time, theorists were trying to take account of all the various creative activities that were occurring such as poetry, music, dance, architecture, and sculpture etc. They generalized them into one category of â€Å"fine arts† or â€Å"beaux arts† assuming all activities were unified by the common function and purpose; pleasure. Hume devotes his aesthetic philosophy to describe and analyze art and taste within the field of criticism. clea Humes essay â€Å"Standard of Taste† is divided into four major parts. First part compares the two views of artistic values. He supports the idea of common sense what it comes to judging artwork.It seems from this philosophy that no response to artwork can be wrong because personal taste varies throughout people and therefore cannot be dismissed. Hume rejects the conclusion that beauty simply equates with the sentiment of pleasure received by the object or thing. This is because he says sentiment â€Å"exists merely in the mind† which makes no individual response more superior than another. The Second stage of Humes argument The third stage that Hume discusses in his essay (17 through 27) outlines what he believes constitutes a true judge of art and what may be required to improve ones own standard for judging art. Strong sense, united to delicate sentiment, improved by practice, perfected by comparison, and cleared of all prejudice. † These specific factors in his mind would result in an individual worthy of a true judgment of at least a certain kind of artwork. In the fourth and concluding stage Hume stems from the third in the concept of who is the true standard. While seeking this specific critic of beauty one has to also take into account peculiar circumstances that may effect the experience and overall judgment of works.Circumstances can arise from unavoidable prejudices, which even the best critics cant avoid. Factors of natural differences such as age can result in generational differences, as well as cultural biases. A critics moral outlook constitutes as another circumstance that may complicate the judgment of certain kinds of works. Moderate moralism, Hume advocates as the best position to view works in because it confine circumstances where a work will be blemished by improper moral attitudes. David Hume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 7, 1711. He was a philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist.He is regarded as one of the most important thinkers of Western philosophy and the Enlightenment. He is known especially for his philosophical empiricism or sense derived knowledge and skepticism and also for his influence on another important thinker during the Enlightenment, Emanuel Kant. Hume constantly tried to describe how the mind works in regards to knowledge and how the mind works. Experience meant a lot to Hume because he thought it served as the basis of his theory of knowledge. Hume attended the University of Edinburgh at the extraordinarily young age of 10 or 12.At first his family and him thought that a career in law was what his future may entail due to a family tradition on both sides. Yet, later he had become inspired by the different pursuits of philosophy. After a nervous breakdown and a few years to recover in 1729, he tried a job in a merchants office in 1734. He then came to a turning point in his life where he retired to France to spend the majority of his time studying and writing. During this time spent Hume produced a writing which was separated into three books called A Treatise of Human Nature.These books was the first of Hume’s attempts at a full fledged philosophical endeavor. It was certainly his most thoroughly written product of his thoughts mostly explaining his theories about mans process of thought and knowledge. During his younger years, Hume was earning enough money to gain leisure for his philosophical studies. In this time he wrote, rewrote, and added to the book, Treatise. It was in this set of three books that Hume developed his mature thought about the nature of reasoning in regards to fact and experience.The growth of scientific knowledge influenced a sense of general optimism among Enlightenment thinkers. This sense of optimism in result called for a more critical use of human intellect. By overturning long es tablished dogmas, people scrutinized the very prerogatives of reason in relation to political and religious institutions. Hume was the first philosopher of the post medieval world to reformulate the skepticism of the ancients. (Cranston) His conclusion that man is more a creature of senses and practical sentiment or taste than that of reason guided many prominent philosophers to follow.Hume’s general analysis of measuring the aesthetic experience of an object or thing is generated from a personal taste. He believes that there is no wrong evaluative response to a work of art. No reaction or opinion can be dismissed simply because it maybe disfavored by the majority. If something is beautiful to someone then this fact cannot be argued or judged upon by another. Of course, this philosophy comes with certain limitations and specifications determining who is worthy of true judgment of works according to David Hume.In Hume’s essay he outlines what people can do to improve on e’s taste and what kind of qualities must be instilled to qualify as a true judge of at least some kinds of works of art. Five qualities, Hume says, would qualify for this job. â€Å"Strong sense, united to delicate sentiment, improved by practice, perfected by comparison, and cleared of all prejudice†. These conditions he believes need to be evident in order to achieve a more qualified personal taste towards a specific kind of work. Even with the best critics there can be certain complicating circumstances that can interfere with judgment.Hume believes these kinds of unavoidable prejudices come from a matter of moral outlook. Bias that comes from individual morality varies greatly and Hume thinks that this can be a huge flaw when it comes to a persons judgment of work. Hume advocates a position of moderate moralism when it comes to â€Å"the natural boundaries of vice and virtue†. This way the works being exposed to the individual judge will not be blemished by overt premonitions. When interpreting Hume’s essay about taste it is hard not to consider the possibility of contradiction because he recommends two very different standards.Hume seeks to find the true rule regarding how to measure sentiments of beauty in regards to personal taste. In doing so, the reader receives two sources of ideas from this search. The question now is whether a good critic defines good art, or good art in terms of good critics. Another aspect regarding Hume’s essay is the very idealistic vision of the most qualified judge of beauty. I find that this ideal critic couldn’t possibly exist because it is only natural for our different background of culture, morals, and religion to effect our opinions.Tastes in Hume’s context are the pleasures or displeasures that a person can take in the beauties of poems, paintings, and other artistic compositions. For Hume, taste is the capacity for one to react and conceive responses based on external stimuli. This ability to correspond external stimuli with an initial response or reaction is what we would call an â€Å"aesthetic experience†. When looking at works of art one can either accept it as pleasurable and attractive or disregard it as ugly or unpleasant. Both of these separate reactions require such experience to occur.In addition, the value judgments that occur in result indefinitely effect our value of taste. The position Hume holds in the essay is that some people who qualify as the â€Å"true† judges determine the good works of art. Hume discuss’ the receptive side of art criticism rather than the creative side that actually conceives and creates the art itself. The position Hume holds in the essay is that some people who qualify as the â€Å"true† judges determine the good works of art. For Hume, taste is the capacity for one to react and conceive responses based on external stimuli.This ability to correspond external stimuli with an init ial response or reaction is what we would call an â€Å"aesthetic experience†. When looking at works of art one can either accept it as pleasurable and attractive or disregard it as ugly or unpleasant. Both of these separate reactions require such experience to occur. In addition, the value judgments that occur in result indefinitely effect our value of taste. Hume contends that differences in aesthetic taste are too obvious and great to deny.It is the extent of these differences that indicate whether the reality of universal approval or disapproval effects an individuals taste. In almost every culture there will be a consensus or general analysis when evaluating certain works. Hume does not see a big difference between artistic and moral values. He corresponds the two as related and both a factor in the judgment of arts. Tastes are â€Å"sentiments† and opinions or â€Å"judgments†. While all sentiments coming from any individual could be considered right, only few judgments or opinions remain right.Taste is considered a sentiment and therefore subjective by all means. In relation things that exist such as beauty and deformity are also extremely subjective qualities. The sentiment therefore exist merely in the mind of the individual who contemplates them. Yet, this existence does not constitute a valid opinion or judgment based on what existing in the mind. Taste is irredeemably subjective, individual in scope, culturally and historically conditioned, therefore relativistic. It seems as if Hume is stuck between two different conclusions, relativism and objectivism. He mostly settles between the two

Monday, July 29, 2019

MOD 7 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MOD 7 Discussion - Essay Example The foremost driving force to water protection and conservation is its being a limited natural resource of finite availability, with only 0.6 percent of global water being fresh and 0.03% accessible for human consumption. Water is getting scarce and its demand rising from climate change and increasing human population respectively. Reasons for the human community to have a concern for water spread across diverse areas because water forms an essential part of the ecosystem, even sustaining the under-water life. Arousing a pro-active response is the alarming decline in the sea water level, drying sources, declining glacier on top of the mountains and low water tables, which all serve but as assurances that water quantity is indeed declining. Pollution makes the key initiator of all water problems and it is by addressing the same that we can eradicate water scarcity. With dwindling water supply, the world’s major economic pillars including agriculture and industrialization are going to suffer the blow. Water pollution at the same time poses numerous health risks to consumers. The second initiator of water scarcity is irresponsible consumption behavior, eventually resulting to wastage of fresh water, while apparently; statistics show that one in nine people worldwide do not have access to fresh

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The history of the Muslim world in the period between the early 15th Research Paper

The history of the Muslim world in the period between the early 15th and early 20 centuries - Research Paper Example Islam is perceived to be among the oldest and the most widely followed religion of the world. Where on one hand, with the rise and expansion of new religions such as Judaism and Christianity, the Muslim world had to witness a fall in its political and social magnitude; on the other hand, benefited by the advent of successful trade relationships of Muslim community with the non-Islamic nations, the community was able to strengthen its foothold in global politics of the modern world. Some of the noteworthy events that can be remarked as best illustrations of the alterations witnessed by the Muslim world since the early 15th century till the early 20th century or the modern era include the rise of Mughals, Ottomans and Safavids, repeat clashes of the Muslim world with other religious communities as well as trade expansion of the Muslims in the global plethora. Historians have often argued that these events have led towards immense alterations in the religious beliefs as well as social s tructures of the Muslim world playing the key role in developing its advanced post-modern shape. However, these events, as argued by historians, imposed varying impacts on the Muslim world, some being strong enough to permanently change few aspects of this particular assemblage while the others having a short term influence Concerning these aforementioned aspects, this thesis will be focused on discussing about the various events which have been witnessed within the Muslim world during its experiences within the period from 15th century to 20th century. Correspondingly, the ultimate aim of the study will be to identify particular events and encounters which have been most influential in shaping the modern Muslim world. DISCUSSION The Muslim World during early 15th and 16th Centuries The most significant event which has often attracted intellectuals arguing on the historic transformations of the Muslim world during the 15th century was the fall of Constantinople after being conquered by the Ottoman Empire sultan Mehmed II. It was during this tenure of Muslim world history that Ottomans were emerging as the major Islamic dynasty to rule to Arab-Muslim nations. It was during the mid 15th century that Mehmed II acquired the throne of the Ottoman dynasty when the Muslim world was focused primarily on trade as well as political expansion, based on the notion of imperialism to gain superiority over other non-Muslim communities. In such circumstance, Constantinopolis (Kostantiniyye) was the most appropriate geographical area to expand trade and also to gain control on the activities of the neighboring continents, i.e. Asia and Europe. Both Asia and Europe, during this period was undergoing tremendous alterations being politically weak, but economically enriched with natural resources and flow of international commodities. Thus, conquering Constantinople was a golden opportunity for Mehmed II to expand the Ottoman Empire and almost effortlessly, obtain the benefits of an equipped trade relation between Constantinopolis and European as well as Asian dynasties. On the social forefront, the defeat of Constantinople further contributed towards the enrichment of the artistic patronage of the medieval Muslim world which is still considered to be enviable. Not only in terms of its artistic patronage, but also with respect to the political structure and policy concerns, the Muslim world

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Describing the leadership style of someone you respect Essay

Describing the leadership style of someone you respect - Essay Example Leadership is about how one overlooks personal interest to satisfy the needs of an organization and its workforce. This is exhibited prominently by Bobbi Quick, the former VP of operations at the Member Service centre where I work. Leadership is about what one thinks of themselves and the self-image one presents. Tracy Brian emphasizes this in the assertion â€Å"If you want to be a leader or a better leader, remember that it’s all up to you. It’s in your hands, or, even more important, in your mind† (Tracy 7). Quick has unceasingly demonstrated the ability to lead effortlessly and exemplary. Firstly, there exists an inherent belief to be a great leader that has in point of fact become a reality (Tracy 56). Self-confidence and the desire to lead are integral components that I admire in Quick’s form of leadership. Bobbi Quick’s approach to governance characterizes transactional leadership. A transactional leader is one who organizes people to realize a set objective. To some extent, a transactional and transformational leader presents similar characteristics. Quick’s basis of power is based on the interests of the workforce and their adaptability to the work setting. She has such high energy and really gets individuals excited to work for her while making one feel their contributions to the business really matter. In the main, it is her personality that fuels the remarkable association she has with the workforce. To a great extent, she reminds me of Groucho Marx’ quote, â€Å"Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men -- the other 999 follow women.† It is nearly impossible to such a leader who not only leads but also inspires and influences the workforce. This sentiment is echoed by Alan Murray, who posits that leadership is about adapting to the situation at ha nd and the requirements of the people involved. The influence that Bobbi Quick has in my life is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Realism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Realism - Coursework Example It is actually due to the absence of some influential authority at international scale that could maintain peace and order by creating impediments on the way of inflicting injustices and violations at the hands of the powerful states. Consequently, the weak states remain under stress and pressure, and hence are bound to imitate the policies devised and designed by the big powers. William Golding’s world-famous Lord of the Flies (1954) also throws light upon the same notion that absence of any regularity force turns the earth into battlefield in the wake of tussle and conflict between various factions, communities and states as well. Golding has skilfully portrayed the scenario of national and international politics in the novel, where Ralph represents democracy, justice, struggle and determination, while Jack symbolizes strategic and financial power that is misused in order to subjugate others under one’s domination. Similarly, Simon is the representative of intellect, wisdom and philosophy; the intellectuals and philosophers explore and point out goodness and evil, and provide a theoretical outline to lead a civilized life; however, they are unable to implement and enforce the same, and hence lack practical leadership qualities in their personality. Moreover, the cultured but weak nations like Piggy cannot overcome the injustices and malpractices prevailing all around them, and eventually become victim of the same at the hands of the cruel stratum at last. The conflict between good and evil certainly gives birth to the anarchic structure, where the powerful stratum guises as savage and beast, and violates against the prevailing socio-political structure in order to rule over others, as Jack captured the attention of majority boys on the foundation of his physical strength on the one hand, and his financial position

Motivating Generation X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Motivating Generation X - Essay Example However, how to motivate employees has recently become a hard task for the management of various companies (Allen & Helms, 2002). This is because most of the employees in organizations today are of the generation X. The generation X is made up of people born between 1960s and the 1980s. They have grown up under very different values from the ones of those in generation Y. For example, this generation has grown up seeing their parents go to work all day and all night only for then to be retrenched after thirty years of faithful service. For them now, job security does not matter anymore they only see each job opportunity to advance their careers so they will always be hopping from company to company in search of greener pastures (Dewhurst, Guthridge, & Mohr, 2010). This, therefore, means that in order to retain generation X. Managers will always have to offer very attractive incentives. By incentives here, I mean that all forms of financial returns and tangible benefits received by an employee as part of the employment relationship. It can be divided into two parts, monetary compensation and non-monetary compensation. ... Most of them are well conversant with the core jobs that help an organization achieve very high profits. They also usually have expertise in the core units in a company. The core units are those that bring most sales and are most crucial to the successful running of business in an organization. For example, a well motivated sales team will increase turnover for the company. Other departments responsible for smooth running of operations in a company include IT, Finance department among others (Dunham, 2003). Management could also motivate the generation X using other financial forms of motivation other than an attractive salary. This could be a bonus which is mainly an incentive given to reward good performance purchase of shares in a company at a fixed price, and when employees feel some sense of ownership in a company they will stay longer and work more as they understand the benefits involved should the company make high profits. Generation X, having grown up in an era where there parents were always busy, they did not somehow get sufficient parental love. They, therefore, do not want the same to happen to their families and, therefore, in most cases will always choose their families over work. Management should, therefore, ensure that on the remuneration package, it also offers sufficient non-monetary compensation. Bhatia (2010) defines non-monetary motivation as benefits employees receive other than the normal monetary compensation package to boost employee morale. Non-monetary compensation includes any benefit received by an employee from an employer that is non-financial but satisfying. They include but not limited to opportunity for growth, flexible hours, recognition and praise, friendships

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social media - Research Paper Example Since social media is broad topic and contributes to our lives differently. From the uprisings and revolts seen in the Arab countries between 2010 and 2012, is correct to say that social media plays a role in uprisings. This paper shall seek to explain how social media sites and networks contribute to revolts and uprisings, what are the possible strategies that can be put into use to minimize the use of social media to propagate revolts and uprisings, and lastly, it will also examine if there is any link between access of social media sites with uprisings and revolts. The Arab Spring explained as the revolutionary wave of protests, civil wars, and demonstrations began taking place on 18 December 2010 in the Arab world (Merlini and Roy 67). These revolts were triggered by dissatisfaction in the manner in which the local government were ruling, human rights violations, extreme poverty, unemployment, political corruption, economic decline, and several other demographic structural factors. In conducting their demonstrations and protests, the youths used Twitter and Facebook to communicate to their fellow protesters in other cities, as well as the whole world. They formed Facebook pages which they used to communicate with other protesters (Beaumont). These pages gave them a platform to unite together as well as share their opinions and views on how the revolt was progressing. They also uploaded pictures of themselves demonstrating against the dictatorial regimes that they were against. These pictures informed the whole world what was happening in Egyp t and Libya. Additionally, the protesters also made Facebook and Twitter updates on the situation on the ground (Beaumont). This played an instrumental role since they could warn other protesters in other small towns of imminent attack by the government soldiers. BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) also assisted the rioters since it helped them send coded messages to plan attacks,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English paper - Essay Example She has little brown eyes with curly dark eyelashes. She is smiling wide with glittery white teeth. Queen Latifah is also wearing a pair of gold round earrings on her ears. To make it more attractive, the words† Covergirl† runs across her forehead in bold green letters. In the right hand corner, the words Queen Latifah are written in green letters below. The photo is small from the head to the shoulders just sufficient for the people to see the Covergirl products. Queen Latifah’s clothes and the Covergirl product appear to be of the same color, olive green. She has her hair in a long ponytail. The advertisement succeeds in using logos, ethos and pathos to lure the viewers in buying the products. The first tactic is using logos to make the viewer think about the Covergirl products. Covergirl say that their products are tailored for women of all types of skins and all ethnic backgrounds. The ad claims that the product they are promoting, Covergirl mascara is fade proof, waterproof and ignore-proof. They claim the product has been in existence for a long time and is continually growing and maturing diversely. They say the product is faseproof to mean that the product will remain on the skin no matter how long it is worn in a day. It also weathers sweat and tears. The waterproof quality is meant to lure those who would want the makeup to remain even after rain or a swim session. When they say ignore-proof, they mean that the product will leave your skin looking beautiful like that of Queen Latifah. They have ensured to catch all the aspects of what of what people look for in mascara. The buyers have been guaranteed that the mascara will not fade, wash away or not grab attention . Another appeal that they have employed to lure the buyers is ethos. The ad has featured one of the most popular people in actresses. She must be a big mover of the company’s products. Covergirl wants the customer to have the idea that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

National General Hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

National General Hospital - Essay Example Moreover, the hospital is a service-oriented organization that aims to provide all kinds of healthcare services to the people living in the vicinity of the facility. With the passage of time, however, the research and development areas should also be a point of focus during the study. In order to evaluate the performance of the management of the hospital, all operational aspects will be studied and evaluated, and the results will be presented. Current situations, potential issues, as well as a need based analysis will be covered under this research report. Finally, after summarising the current needs, performance and future requirements will be made a part of the report by providing suitable suggestions and recommendations based upon the findings of this study. Executive Summary The aim of this case study is to discuss all the relevant and significant aspects of operations management. Therefore, the choice of a hospital has been made with respect to the numerous kinds of services bei ng provided, the nature and scope of business in the community, as well as the customer/patients turnover ratio. Beyond these components, this kind of business is not always profit oriented, rather it depends on the objective of the owners/shareholders as to whether they desire it to be a charity organization or a profit earning institution. By keeping all of these points in mind, it bears mentioning that the hospital is the kind of business that is always at its best when providing quality health services to its patients. This research is exploratory in nature, which includes primary as well as secondary data sources to be used for purposes of research. Similarly, the results have been made more generalized and easy to understand because of the nature of hospital business. This data will not be presented in a complex way so that a better understanding can be developed in readers. During the case study, the researcher studied many interesting concepts that will be made a part of the eventual research findings. Moreover, conclusions and a few recommendations have also been give due consideration in the end, so that the research report could be made more effective and comprehensive. One of the salient recommendations is to have a continuous system of checks and balances in the hospital, which is needed in order to fulfil the needs of the social enterprises where maintaining the quality of health care is of prime importance. Introduction Overview National General Hospital is one of the most famous small size health care centres in Saudi Arabia. It was established in the late 1990s for the purpose of providing basic health services to a small town near Jeddah. With the passage of time, however, the shareholders earned reasonably large profits that urged them to do more with the facility. Therefore, they converted this small clinic into a hospital providing detailed treatments to the patients. In 2006, the hospital set up its outpatient department that functioned e xtremely well, and after only a couple of years this 50 bed hospital was converted into a complete hospital with 2 operation theatres, outpatient facilities and special wards for adults, as well as children and infants. Now the hospital has a great reputation and residents of nearby localities also prefer to be referred to NGH in times of need. Now this hospital is a 100 bed complete health care centre providing all kinds of basic as, well as specialized, health care services to the patients at affordable

Monday, July 22, 2019

Education Sector Essay Example for Free

Education Sector Essay In a globalized economy with a high degree of competition among countries, the success of a nation depends on the educational level of its workforce. Technology has rapidly transformed education by extending learning space beyond the four wall of a classroom. Even though school plays the main role of education, technology offers verities of opportunities to learn more. Such as, Distance learning, online learning communities and access to vast resources and databases, etc. with the help of Information and communications technology (ICT), it allows to improve quality of teaching and learning worldwide. (Bokova, 2013) There are both positive and negative impacts due to technological advancement in education sector. Affordability: Even though developed counties are able to afford this, most of the developing countries struggle to equip the basic ICT devices. However there are things which they can afford, such as mobile phone, it would help to connect teachers, students, parents and administrators. Capacities: National policy-makers sometimes may lack to formulate ICT in educational policies. In some developing counties teaching institutes frequently lack to trainer the teachers with ICT education practices. Which would lead to less ICT education in school levels. Inclusion: People who live in rural area, disabled people typically receives low quality educations, even though they have special educational needs. Introduction of ICT would favour inclusive education and reduce inequalities. Content: there are more teaching modules available by the help of ICT. Open Educational Resources (OERs) hold significant potential to accelerate free access to knowledge and facilitae the adaptation of content to local needs and languages. Quality Assurance: ICT can help the education system to be much easier, but some developing countries still haven’t been duly reformed to embrace these new learning outcomes. And issues such as quality of ICT-based learning and safety of children online needs to be addressed. (Bokova, 2013).

Impact of teenage pregnancy on children

Impact of teenage pregnancy on children Many children become pregnant while attending school and this has significantly caused them to stop attending school until the child is born and in many instances they forfeit the opportunity in completing their secondary education. The researcher sought to clarify the impact of teenage pregnancy on children between the ages of 13 17 years old by doing an in depth thesis on the statement. This was to check if children are being sensitized at school on sex education and if the parents are helping them to gain better understanding of what will happen to them when they start having sexual intercourse. This study will be carried out on twenty teens at two prominent institutions that host teenage mothers in Kingston and St. Andrew The researcher will seek to gather this information by using instruments such as questionnaires and interview. The data that will be collected will be presented on tables and graphs along with detailed explanation. The researcher will test to see if the impact of teenage pregnancy on children between the ages of 13 17 years old is a factor of low self-esteem for teens and if it limits them from being an important factor in society. Based on the findings, recommendations will be made. Chapter 1 Introduction Pregnancy for a teenager can be a philosophical event with long term implications for the young mother, father, family, and friends.   Pregnancy is the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus. Thus, teenage pregnancy is the period between ages 13 to 19 when a teenager gets pregnant. For this research, the researcher will look at children between the ages of 13 to 17 years old, in an effort of heightening awareness on pregnancy. Jamaica, like many other countries has an overwhelming amount of teenage pregnancy. This has caused children to stop attending school until the child is born, and in many instances, they forfeit the opportunity in completing their secondary education. They are more likely to obtain inadequate prenatal care, have inadequate nutrition, increased pregnancy complications, sexually transmitted diseases and higher risk of low birth weight. Santrock (2008) states that teenage pregnancy creates health risks for both the baby and the mother. He went on to say that infants born to teen mothers are more likely to have low birth weights, a prominent factor in infant mortality, as well as neurological problems and childhood illness. They often drop out of school, some of them will resume their education, however, they do not generally catch up economically with women who postpone childbearing until their twenties. The consequences of an early, unplanned pregnancy place the teenage mother at a distinct disadvantage in her attempts to achieve economic security. Based on the Child Care and Protection Act of 2004, a child must attend school and be given an education whether she become pregnant or not. However, social and cultural taboos make it very difficult for a girl to remain in school during her pregnancy. Teens do not always have good support systems, parenting knowledge and skills and coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Teen mothers are less likely to finish high school leading to lower paying jobs and limited job skills; they are more likely to be financially dependent upon family and eventually on assistance programmes that are provided by the government such as the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH). Teenage mothers face rejection by family and friends. They face parental anger, ridicule from community members, and abandonment by their childrens fathers. At times, teenage mothers who leave school are not prepared for parenting and as such, poverty often pushes mothers into transactional sexual relationships. Oftentimes, this is carried out with multiple partners to obtain resources necessary to support their children and themselves. This further increases the mothers vulnerability to exploitation and domestic violence as well as child abuse. Statement of the problem Over the years, it has been noted that a lot of children have gotten pregnant during high school education. This has caused them to be out of school for a period of time. From fear of being caught some children tried to hide this from their parents by banning the belly and this has a negative impact on the fetus will affect the child. The teenager is no longer concerned with issues of being a teenager only and there are missed opportunities for self-development and advancement. The potential societal impact of teenage pregnancy is an increase in financial burden on families and the country. It also lends itself to high crime rates, uneducated and unproductive citizens, underdeveloped and unskilled workforce, infant and maternal mortality rates. Teenage pregnancy has negative effects on the victims and their families. They are at times looked down on and depending on their socio-economical background. They may also never regain the opportunity to continue their education, which will impact on their lives and the life of the new born. Not being able to resume their education will also plummet them in taking minimal jobs and at the same time, they might have more children as a result of low self-esteem. Sub-problems The researcher strongly believes that if children are more educated about pregnancy, they are less likely to become parents at an early age. They will be aware that it is best to abstain from sexual activities until they are capable of being responsible parents. Children would know that there are contraceptives that they can obtain to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Children are affected, physically, socially, economically, sexually and psychologically. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of teenage pregnancy on children between the ages of 13 18 years old. The researcher is aware that because of socio-economic factors such as single parenting, divorce and unemployment, parents might be frustrated and do not talk with their children about sex, as a result children will be informed from their peers and may want to experiment. The children, some of whom are naÃÆ' ¯ve, and lack basic knowledge and who do not understand may succumb to peer pressure which may result in unwanted pregnancies. The researcher hopes that this research will widen the factual knowledge that is available and that practical steps will not only be recommended but also instigated to address and even eradicate the problem. The present study will seek to explore and identify how the factor relative to the impact of teenage pregnancy can be corrected by having more talks in schools and educational forum so that other children do not get caught in the web of teenage pregnancy. The researcher also hopes that the relevant authorities will review and implement programmes within these schools to assist parents and students who might have gotten pregnant and to help the others from becoming pregnant. Hypothesis The researcher hypothesizes that teenage pregnancy impacts children between the ages of 13 17 years old as this slows down their educational process as they are no longer thinking about themselves but about their child. Basic Research Questions Do you feel that the sex education you received at school was sufficient? At what age did you become sexually active? Definition of Terms The Oxford Concise Dictionary (1999) defines the following key words except number 5. Pregnancy the condition or period of being pregnant Teenager a person aged between 13 19 Teen of or relating to a teenager Sexual Intercourse sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a mans erect penis into a womans vagina culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. Patterson (2008) Impact a marked effect or influence Parenting be or act as a parent toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Chapter 2 Literature review Parents have a lot to do with whether their child becomes teenage parents. It is important for them to talk to their children about sex and the implications that it will have on them. Apart from getting pregnant, having unprotected sex can let one catch a sexually transmitted disease. Parents should have a close relationship with their child, which will allow the child to talk to them about anything. They should talk to their children about sex as the child will hear it from school and may want to try it out. Parenting styles have an effect on children cognitive development. Cognitive is the thought process, thus it reflects the way we acquire and manipulate knowledge. According to Baumrind (1971), there are four types of parenting styles. These are authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful and indulgent. The authoritarian parent places firm limits and control on the child and allows little verbal exchange. This type of parent may say, you do it my way or else (Santrock, 2006). The authoritarian parent may physically abuse the child frequently, enforce rules without explaining them and show range towards the child. These children are unhappy, fearful, and anxious. They often fail to initiate activity and have poor communication skills Santrock (2006). If you are an authoritarian parent, children will not want to come to you and discuss matters about sex with you as they may fear you will want to bully them. The authoritative parent on the other hand provides children with warmth, attention and autonomy, although they set limits and are demanding. They encourage their child to be independent and individualistic. They also engage them in discussions and explanations over matters of discipline and family decision making. Parents listen patiently to their children point of view as well as provide guidance. According to Santrock (200), authoritative parent will say let us talk about how you can handle the situation better next time. Authoritative parents are effective in shaping how a child thinks and will help guide them in decisions making, this will allow the child to have confidence in their parents and will feel free to talk to them about anything. Santrock, 2001 states that approximately one of every five births is to a teenager; in some urban areas, the figure researchers as high as one in every two births. He further went on to say that infants born to teenagers are often premature. Patterson, 2008 reported that a majority of children in the United States who are sexually active report that they do not use contraception when they are having sexual intercourse. The reason they do not use contraceptive is because it is not readily available to many teenagers. They also state that embarrassment caused them not to use contraceptives. As children are not using contraceptives, there are a high percentage of children getting pregnant and also contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Snowman and Biehler (2003) said that one contributing factors to teenage pregnancies and births is the relatively low frequency of contraceptive. They further went on to say that the relatively high levels of sexual activity and low levels of regular contraception among teens are particularly worrisome because they put teens at risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Gary Collins author of Christian Counselling, states in his book that sexual experimentation, including intercourse, sometimes becomes a way for teens to act like adults and gain peer acceptance. He went on to say that teenagers often feel intense social pressure to experiment sexually. Sometimes sexual behaviour is not an acting out; instead, it becomes an attempt to overcome inhibitions, find meaningful relationships, prove ones virility, bolster self-esteem or escape loneliness, Collins (1988). The increase in teenage pregnancies has become a serious national problem. Not only is their concern for the care and welfare of the babies, but there is clear evidence that, compared to their classmates, teenage parents get less education, earn less money in life, hold lower-prestige jobs, experience less vocational satisfaction and have a higher than average rate of divorce and remarriage, Collins (1988). Chapter 3 Methodological Design This will be both a qualitative and quantitative study. A qualitative study of research focuses on words, observation, stories, visual portrayals, meaningful characterization, and other expressive descriptions. A quantitative study of research is based on collection and analyzing of numeric data. This data will be obtained from questionnaires, and interview questions. The study will be conducted at two prominent institution that host teenage girls in Kingston and St. Andrew between the ages of 13 17 years old. It will seek to gain an awareness of teens that are pregnant and try to get an understanding of how they feel. Suggestions will also be made to assist them in making something of their lives after the baby is born and also to direct them to agencies that will assist them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case Study of Dabur India Limited Marketing Essay

Case Study of Dabur India Limited Marketing Essay Introduction: Dabur India Limited is a leading Indian consumer goods company with interests in Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. From its humble beginnings in the by lanes of Calcutta way back in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company, Dabur India Ltd has come a long way today to become a leading consumer products manufacturer in India. The founder, Dr.S.K.Burman, was a practicing allopathic doctor. At that time Malaria, Cholera and Plague were the common diseases. He was a physician who brought Ayurvedic medicines to the masses of Bengal. Initially established as a proprietary firm for the manufacture of chemicals and ayurvedic drugs it was later on 19th November 1930 incorporated as private limited company. Late Shri C.L.Burman, son of late Dr S.K. Burman and his son late Shri P.C.Burman in the name of Dr S.K.Burman Pvt.Ltd. to expand the operations by setting up production facilities at Garia and Narendrapur, West Bengal and Daburgram, Bihar. Dabur (Dr.S.K.Burman) Pvt. Ltd. was merged with Vidogum and Chemicals Ltd. w.e.f. 1st July1985 and the amalgamated company was renamed DABUR INDIA LIMITED. For the past 125 years, they have been dedicated to providing nature-based solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. Through their comprehensive range of products, they cater to all consumers, in all age groups, across all social boundaries. And this legacy has helped them develop a bond of trust with the customers. VISION Dedicated to the health and well being of every house hold. Dabur is a company with a set of established business values, which direct its functioning as well as all its operations. The guiding forces for Dabur are the words of its founder, Dr.S. K. Burman, what is that life worth that cannot give comfort to others. The Company offers its customers, the products to suit their needs and give them good values for money. The company is committed to follow the ethical practices in doing business. At Dabur, nature acts as not only the source of raw materials but also an inspiration and the company is committed to product the ecological balance. Journey so far 1884 The Birth of Dabur 1972 The company shifts base to Delhi from Kolkata 1986 Registered as Public Limited Company 1994 Listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange 1998 Professional team inducted to run the company 2000 Crosses Rs. 1000 Crore Turnover 2003 Pharmaceutical Business de-merged to focus on core FMCG 2004 Profit exceeds Rs. 100 Crore 2005 Acquire Balsara strengthening Oral care provided entry into Homecare segment 2006 Dabur figures in Top 10 Great Places to Work 2007 Dabur ranked among Asias best under a Billion enterprises by Forbes 2008 Acquired Fem Care Pharma entering the mainstream Skin care segment 2009 Strong growth momentum continued in spite of general economic downturn. Also Dabur Red Toothpaste becomes Daburs 9th Billion Rupee brand. 2010 Touched US$4 billion market cap. Overseas acquisition, Hobi Group, Turkey to strengthen presence in MENA and adjacent regions. Dabur At-a-Glance: Dabur India Limited has marked its presence with significant achievements and today commands a market leadership status. Their story of success is based on dedication to nature, corporate and process hygiene, dynamic leadership and commitment to their partners and stakeholders. Leading consumer goods company in India with a turnover of Rs. 3417 Crore (FY10) 3  major strategic business units (SBU) Consumer Care Division (CCD), Consumer Health Division (CHD) and International Business Division (IBD) 3  Subsidiary Group companies Dabur International,  Fem Care Pharma and newu  and  8 step down subsidiaries: Dabur Nepal Pvt Ltd (Nepal), Dabur Egypt Ltd (Egypt), Asian Consumer Care (Bangladesh), Asian Consumer Care (Pakistan), African Consumer Care (Nigeria), Naturelle LLC (Ras Al Khaimah-UAE), Weikfield International (UAE) and Jaquline Inc. (USA). 17 ultra-modern manufacturing units spread around the globe Products marketed in over 60 countries Wide and deep market penetration with  50 CF agents, more than 5000 distributors and over 2.8 million retail outlets all over India Dabur India Ltds manufacturing activities spanning various consumer products categories are carried out in 17 factories spread across India and abroad. Dabur has 11 manufacturing facilities in India, out of which two main units are at Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and Pantnagar (Uttaranchal). Daburs Business Structure: Note: Percentage share in revenue based on FY10 Financials ; Femcare included in Consumer Care Division Consumer Care Division (CCD): Consumer Care Division (CCD) adresses consumer needs across the entire FMCG spectrum through four distinct business portfolios of Personal Care, Health Care, Home Care  Ã‚  Foods. Master brands: Dabur Ayurvedic healthcare products Vatika Premium hair care Hajmola   Tasty digestives Rà ©al Fruit juices beverages Fem Fairness bleaches skin care products 9 Billion-Rupee brands: Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Rà ©al, Dabur Red Toothpaste, Dabur Lal Dant Manjan, Babool, Hajmola and Dabur Honey Strategic positioning of Honey as food product, leading to market leadership (over 75%) in branded honey market   Dabur Chyawanprash the largest selling Ayurvedic medicine with over 65% market share. Vatika  Shampoo has been the fastest selling shampoo brand in India for three years in a row Hajmola tablets in command with 60% market share of digestive tablets category. About 2.5 crore Hajmola tablets are consumed in India every day Leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share Category-wise Share of CCD : Brand Overview: Consumer Care Categories: Hair Care: Hair Oil Shampoo Source: Value share-ACN June, 09 Value Share-ACN Mar, 10 Oral Care: Value Share-ACN March, 2010 Health Supplements: Value Share-ACN March, 2010 Foods: Company Est. Mar, 2010 for Fruit Juice categoryC:UsersUser 11Desktopuntitled2.bmpC:UsersUser 11DesktopimagesCAXZ8F24.jpgC:UsersUser 11Desktopimages.jpgC:UsersUser 11DesktopPG-IIIRKSDabur Real- Mrktg Planburrst.jpgC:UsersUser 11Desktopuntitled6.bmp Skin Care: *Company estimates; Includes Fem skin care portfolioC:UsersUser 11AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Worddabur-health_06.jpg Digestives: Value Share-ACN March, 2010C:UsersUser 11DesktopimagesCALG7F5C.jpgC:UsersUser 11AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Worddabur-personal_08.gifC:UsersUser 11Desktopdabur-digestive_09.gif Home Care: Value Share-ACN Mar,2010 for Aerosols category OdonilOdomosOdopicSani Fresh Consumer Health Division (CHD) Consumer Health Division (CHD) offers a range of  classical Ayurvedic medicines  and Ayurvedic OTC products that deliver the age-old benefits of Ayurveda in modern ready-to-use formats. Daburs Consumer Healthcare business is the Companys oldest business, and today has a growing portfolio of OTC products to address a variety of problems ranging from Womens Health to Baby Care and  Cough Cold to Rejuvenation. Has more than 300 products sold through prescriptions as well as over the counter Major categories in traditional formulations include: Asav Arishtas Ras Rasayanas Churnas Medicated Oils Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by Dabur include: Nature Care Isabgol Madhuvaani Trifgol Division also works for promotion of Ayurveda through organised community of traditional practitioners and developing fresh batches of students   C:UsersUser 11Desktopuntitled.bmp The Consumer Health Division, CHD witnessed a growth of 10.2% during the quarter led by ethical portfolio which grew by 14.5%. In OTC, Pudin Hara grew by 12.8%. The Pudin Hara portfolio has been extended by launching Pudin Hara Lemon Fizz in the acidity segment. International Business Division (IBD) International Business Division (IBD) caters to the health and personal care needs of customers across different international markets, spanning the Middle East, North West Africa, European Union and the US  with its brands Dabur Vatika   Growing at a CAGR of 33% in the last 6 years and contributes to about 20% of total sales Leveraging the Natural preference among local consumers to increase share in perosnal care categories Focus markets: GCC Egypt Nigeria Bangladesh Nepal US High level of localization of manufacturing and sales marketing worldmap Daburs International business: The Companys key markets for international business are the Middle East, Africa, UK and South Asian geographies, with manufacturing plants located across regions. The Company also has a private label business in USA and UK, along with Guar gum exports, which takes place from its Indian plants. The Companys International Business Division recorded an impressive sales growth of 26.3% from Rs.477.0 crore in 2008-09 to Rs.602.5 crore in 2009-10, contributing to 18% of overall consolidated sales. The operating margins of the business improved significantly during the year reflecting the strength of the brands even though the external conditions were tough and the environment was plagued by recessionary trends, currency depreciations and demand contraction. Robust sales growth in international markets was possible due to: Strong Brand portfolio positioned on herbal and natural platform Aggressive new product launches and brand extensions Geographical expansion into new markets Strong Sales and Distribution network Strong manufacturing backbone and expansion of own manufacturing in key geographies Localised and efficient supply chain. Product Portfolio: The company has built strong and robust brand architecture with two mega brands for international business across all geographies Dabur and Vatika and most of its offerings are under either of these two brands. Dabur Amla: Dabur Amla franchise achieved a growth of 38% along with all the extensions. Basis Nielsen Retail Audit in KSA, Dabur Amla Hair Oil with a market share of 34.2% is the biggest brand in the hair oil segment. Dabur Amla Gold has market share of 6.8% while Dabur Amla Jasmine is at 5.1%. The Amla franchise has now been extended to the Hair Cream Category with the launch of Dabur Amla Hair Cream. It has become the fastest growing brand in the Hair Cream segment notching up sales of more than INR 13 Crore in first year of launch. Vatika: There has been a robust growth of 36% in the Vatika franchise which includes Vatika Enriched Hair Oil, Coconut Hair Oil, Hair Creams and Hamam Zaith. Vatika brand is now worth Rs.185 Cr built from a negligible base over the last four years in the Arab belt. There was a successful re- launch of Shampoos and Conditioners, launch of one more variant in Hamam Zaith and re-launch of Vatika Coconut Hair Oil. Light hair oil range of Vatika Hair oils registered 51% growth in MENA. Vatika Hair Cream is now an INR 64 Cr brand in MENA. Vatika Hair Cream gained 370 bps in market share and becoming 12.7% of the market in volume terms. It grew by 44% in volume terms over LY in a category that has remained flat. Vatika Hair Cream is now the no. 2 player in Modern Trade with a 15.6% volume mkt share despite aggressive competition from established brands. Vatika DermoViva a new sub- brand launched for the Personal Wash and Skin Care segment had its first launch in the Bar Soap category and has managed to create consumer equity in a category dominated by strong MNC players. FEM: The FEM brand was strengthened in the overseas markets through ATL and BTL inputs which saw the brand grow by 100% in just nine months of operation since the takeover. Daburs International Market: The key contributing markets/ regions to the International Business growth have been GCC, Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Yemen, Syria and South Africa. GCC, the largest market in the International Business Division and despite being a mature market, has registered a strong growth of 42% over last year fuelled by innovations and new product launches in the Hair Care, Personal Wash and Oral Care segments. Dabur Egypt Limited has witnessed another spectacular performance with 30% growth in sales. African Consumer Care, Nigeria has grown by 17% over last year in local currency terms, aided by strong growth of Dabur Herbal Toothpaste and Dabur Herbal Gel in the Oral Care category. Asian Consumer Care, Pakistan has grown by 26% in revenue with Hajmola and Dabur Amla emerging as the two strong brands for the region. Dabur International`s UK Branch has seen a 23% growth over previous year which has been the highest growth rate for this region in the last 8 years. Markets of North Africa, Levant and Yemen have seen an impressive performance with 49% growth over previous year. Asian Consumer Care, Bangladesh, has performed well with a growth of 47% during the fiscal 2009-10. The growth has been led by increased distribution penetration and focussed brand approach. Dabur Nepal Pvt Limited which manufactures fruit juices and also caters to local consumer market in Nepal recorded impressive growth of 26% in its sales to the domestic market of Nepal. Dabur recently has acquired Turkey-based personal care company Hobi Kozmetik Group in a deal at Rs. $ 69 million. The company, in a move to expand its presence across Middle East and North African region, has made the acquisition. Hobi Kozmetik is a market leader in the hair gel category with 35% market share. Companys products sold under Hobby and New Era brands across 35 countries. The transaction is expected to be completed by Q3 of FY11. Dabur, which is the largest FMCG in India with large market capitalization, has huge investment and expansion plans as the company aims to expand its foreign sales. Exports from India: The company also exports guargum and private label oral care products from India. During 2009-10 the company recorded Guargum exports to the tune of Rs.43.3 crore as compared to Rs.48.3 crore in the previous year. The sales were lower due to weak global demand and recessionary environment. Exports to USA recorded impressive growth with sales increasing to Rs.38.4 Cr in 2009- 10 versus Rs.27.6 in 2008-09 reflecting a growth of 39% despite the recessionary environment in developed markets. The US sales comprise Private Label and Ethnic business. Key markets in USA and Europe contributed to the growth. Innovative product developments in Oral care private label- such as Pro-age, Sensitive and Herbal toothpastes were launched. Ethnic Sales in USA and Canada also performed well recording 80% growth albeit on a low base. Various new products were successfully launched in the market and penetration of mainstay Dabur products like Hair Oils and Chyawanprash into Canadian mainstream retail chains such as Walmart was achieved. Competitor Analysis: Category Daburs Share Main Competitors Fruit Juice 58% Real and Active Tropicanna Fruit Drinks (coolers) 1% Coolers Frooti And Maaza Hair oil Coconut base 6.4% Vatika HLL Shampoo Vatika 7.1% HLL and PG Hair care (overall) 27% HLL, PG and Himalaya Chyawanprash 64% Himani, Zhandu and Himalaya Honey 40% Himani, Hamdard and local Players Digestives 37% Paras and local players Competition: Market Cap. (Rs. cr.) Sales Turnover Net Profit Total Assets HUL 60,897.63 17,725.33 2,202.03 2,583.52 Dabur India 18,851.77 2,874.60 433.15 859.35 Godrej Consumer 12,917.72 1,267.88 248.12 839.87 Colgate 11,244.57 1,770.82 290.22 330.70 Godrej Ind 7,770.69 880.97 19.33 1,570.31 Marico 7,641.54 2,030.85 235.02 948.58 PG 7,169.93 904.46 179.76 440.02 Emami 6,891.49 1,006.86 165.40 878.42 Gillette India 5,953.64 852.48 137.10 490.89 Jyothy Labs 2,440.33 579.87 80.05 399.10 Source: Recommendations: Entering rural market: Dabur should target more towards the rural market and tier 2 and tier 3 cities. These markets have traditionally been loyalists to Daburs ayurvedic range of personal products. Tapping rising global demand of herbal and Ayurvedic products: There is a new trend in the global market that has increased the demand of herbal/ ayurvedic products. This is the time when Dabur should relaunch itself as a key international player in the global arena. Also in the domestic market, there is a huge scope for Dabur to launch niche/luxury segment products catering to specific target groups. i) Development of new markets for Products Services: New avenues for growth were opened up with expansion into the new markets of Cambodia, Philippines, Belarus, Gambia and Bolivia. The Sales Distribution infrastructure has been augmented by appointing new distributors in CIS, Mozambique, Guinea and Rwanda. Local resources have been deployed in key markets of Yemen, Syria, Kuwait, Malaysia and Tanzania to strengthen the SD structure. ii) Entering US Market: The Company is also trying to break into the US Market where it is attempting to build a full fledged distribution channel. It is also worthwhile to mention that some of its products like Chyawanprash are selling in the US via Indirect channels. But this task is going to be a difficult one since US laws are tough and the preferences of consumers also vary greatly than that of markets which are usually catered to by Dabur. iii) Target- South Africa: In Africa the company is looking at markets like South Africa where it currently is not present. It already has a personal care unit in Egypt and a toothpaste unit in Nigeria. Dabur can do well in these markets since the profile and preferences of these consumers are very much like India. iv) Export Plans: The focus, going forward, is to continue expanding the Companys presence across geographies and to exploit the opportunities that exist in existing and potential segments. The Company will continue to invest in brand building, manufacturing and human capital in order to maintain and improve the existing robust growth path. Vision 2010 After the successful implementation of the 4-year business plan from 2002 to 2006, Dabur has launched another plan for 2010. The main objectives are: Doubling of the sales figure from 2006 The new plan will focus on expansion, acquisition and innovation. Although Daburs international business has done well growing by almost 29 per cent to Rs.292 crore in 2006-07, plans are to increase it by leaps and bounds. Growth will be achieved through international business, homecare, healthcare and foods. Southern markets will remain as a focus area to increase its revenue share to 15 per cent. With smoothly sailing through its previous plans, this vision seems possible. Time and again, Dabur has made decisions that have led to its present position. However, if Dabur could be more aggressive in its approach, it can rise to unprecedented levels. To conclude, this is a 10 year performance table from Daburs website.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

The Scarlet Letter- In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, the letter "A" changes it's meaning many different times. This change is significant. It shows growth in the characters, and the community in which they live. The letter "A" begins as a symbol of sin. It then becomes a symbol of her ability to do and help things, and finally it becomes a symbol of her respect for herself. The letter "A," worn on Hester's bodice, is a symbol of her adultery against Roger Chillingworth. This letter is meant to be worn in shame, and to make Hester feel unwanted. "Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment . . ." (84) Hester is ashamed of her sin, but she chooses not to show it. She committed this sin in the heat of passion, and fully admits it because, though she is ashamed, she also received her greatest treasure, Pearl, out of it. She is a very strong woman to be able to hold up so well against what she must face. Many would have fled Boston, and sought a place where no one knew of her great sin. Hester chose to stay though, which showed a lot of strength and integrity. Any woman with enough nerve to hold up against a town which despised her very existence, and to stay in a place where her daughter is referred to as a "devil child," either has some sort of psychological problem, or is a very tough woman. The second meaning that the letter "A" took was "able." The townspeople who once condemned her now believed her scarlet "A" to stand for her ability to create her beautiful needlework and for her unselfish assistance to the poor and sick. "The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her- so much power to do and power to sympathize- that many people refused to interpret the scarlet 'A' by its original signification." (156) At this point, a lot of the townspeople realized what a high quality character Hester possessed. "Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge? It is our Hester- the town's own Hester- who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comforting to the afflicted!" (157) The townspeople soon began to believe that the badge served to ward off

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cassie Talaga :: essays research papers

Cassie, Do you honestly think I have no right to be angry or frustrated? For the past 3 frickin' years, I've stayed up all nights some nights thinking about you and us; and, working my ass off to show you that, though there's distance between us, that you can bet your life that my love is there and strong for you. I know what you feel when you say that you need someone and something to touch. I've finally gotten in touch with you in a way that I can hear your voice. Just as I was saying in my last email, there will be some fucking hard ass times, and then there will be worse ones. This is one of those times that is going to be hard, and I believe if there was any love there for me, you wouldn't just give up. I've always been skeptical about how you felt, that's just how I am, but then finally, in one email, after I called you for the first time you said, and I quote, "...before we had our talk, I mean.. yeah.. I liked you ALOT...". But then you went on to say that you finally knew in your heart that you truly loved me. I'm beginning to think you were just caught up in the moment. And to think, that was exactly a month ago. One frickin' month ago, you said you were sure, and now you aren't. I know for a fact that love is something you cannot all of a sudden gain, or lose. It will take time as in more than a couple weeks, but more like a couple months or years. I want you to know that, yes, I'm mad. But I am also mad about you. I feel like crying just like I did the night before you left. I had a dream a couple days ago, that ended with a phrase from no particular person saying, "Soon, your love will go through trials and tribulations, and intelligence and patience will fade as your frustration takes over; but, do not falter. Persevere in your true ways, and light will shine again!" I memorized that as I wrote that down after I woke up. That scared the shit out of me, because I spent that whole day thinking it was, in fact talking about you. I see now, maybe it is. Cassie Talaga :: essays research papers Cassie, Do you honestly think I have no right to be angry or frustrated? For the past 3 frickin' years, I've stayed up all nights some nights thinking about you and us; and, working my ass off to show you that, though there's distance between us, that you can bet your life that my love is there and strong for you. I know what you feel when you say that you need someone and something to touch. I've finally gotten in touch with you in a way that I can hear your voice. Just as I was saying in my last email, there will be some fucking hard ass times, and then there will be worse ones. This is one of those times that is going to be hard, and I believe if there was any love there for me, you wouldn't just give up. I've always been skeptical about how you felt, that's just how I am, but then finally, in one email, after I called you for the first time you said, and I quote, "...before we had our talk, I mean.. yeah.. I liked you ALOT...". But then you went on to say that you finally knew in your heart that you truly loved me. I'm beginning to think you were just caught up in the moment. And to think, that was exactly a month ago. One frickin' month ago, you said you were sure, and now you aren't. I know for a fact that love is something you cannot all of a sudden gain, or lose. It will take time as in more than a couple weeks, but more like a couple months or years. I want you to know that, yes, I'm mad. But I am also mad about you. I feel like crying just like I did the night before you left. I had a dream a couple days ago, that ended with a phrase from no particular person saying, "Soon, your love will go through trials and tribulations, and intelligence and patience will fade as your frustration takes over; but, do not falter. Persevere in your true ways, and light will shine again!" I memorized that as I wrote that down after I woke up. That scared the shit out of me, because I spent that whole day thinking it was, in fact talking about you. I see now, maybe it is.

The Myth of the Earnings Yield :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

The Myth of the Earnings Yield Essay written by Sam Vaknin Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites A very slim minority of firms distribute dividends. This truism has revolutionary implications. In the absence of dividends, the foundation of most - if not all - of the financial theories we employ in order to determine the value of shares, is falsified. These theories rely on a few implicit and explicit assumptions: (a) That the (fundamental) "value" of a share is closely correlated (or even equal to) its market (stock exchange or transaction) price (b) That price movements (and volatility) are mostly random, though correlated to the (fundamental) "value" of the share (will always converge to that "value" in the long term) (c) That this fundamental "value" responds to and reflects new information efficiently (old information is fully incorporated in it) Investors are supposed to discount the stream of all future income from the share (using one of a myriad of possible rates - all hotly disputed). Only dividends constitute meaningful income and since few companies engage in the distribution of dividends, theoreticians were forced to deal with "expected" dividends rather than "paid out" ones. The best gauge of expected dividends is earnings. The higher the earnings - the more likely and the higher the dividends. Even retained earnings can be regarded as deferred dividends. Retained earnings are re-invested, the investments generate earnings and, again, the likelihood and expected size of the dividends increase. Thus, earnings - though not yet distributed - were misleadingly translated to a rate of return, a yield - using the earnings yield and other measures. It is as though these earnings WERE distributed and created a RETURN - in other words, an income - to the investor. The reason for the perpetuation of this misnomer is that, according to all current theories of finance, in the absence of dividends - shares are worthless. If an investor is never likely to receive income from his holdings - then his holdings are worthless. Capital gains - the other form of income from shareholding - is also driven by earnings but it does not feature in financial equations. Yet, these theories and equations stand in stark contrast to market realities. People do not buy shares because they expect to receive a stream of future income in the form of dividends.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

When people become very angry, they are said to be operating from their `dinosaur brain`

It has been said that the thing that sets human beings apart from all the other creatures in the animal kingdom is the fact that human beings have the ability for discernment and for logical thinking. In times were animals would be ruled by impulse and instinct, human beings are able to control these urges to a certain extent. As beings capable of suppressing baser instincts and impulses, human beings are expected to be above such primal instincts.It is for this reason that people who are very angry or emotional and give in to such baser instincts are said to be operating from their â€Å"dinosaur brains. † It is not to say of course that operating from one’s dinosaur brain means that one is also capacitated with the same intellectual capacity as that of those prehistoric animals. Dinosaurs were creatures that had smaller brains than today’s creatures and as such their thinking had not evolved to the same extent.This means that these animals only followed the bas ic instincts such as eating, mating and sleeping, offshoots of which are aggression in certain cases in order to preserve and protect. Therefore, any person who is operating from their dinosaur brain is simply exercising the functions that dinosaurs used to use in the underdeveloped brains. Feelings such as anger and hunger become the ruling considerations and logic is never part of the equation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Expanding your business to China Essay

in that respect be m any(prenominal) advantages to expanding your strain to mainland chinaw be. not tot aloney is china considered star of the commodiousst economies in the world, it besides has a huge emerging market that is distillery evolution (Startup Overseas). Although mainland China has embraced legion(predicate) Western commercial enterprise ethical motive and pr manageices, at that place be still numerous cross-cultural variations that can exploit it difficult to succeed without sufficient question and knowledge of the horticulture. Examples of these cross cultural differences take the Chinese attitude toward work and workplace, the cut into jurisprudences, and how Chinese descentes col applicationate with other organizations. more than differences involve how we market and sell a harvesting, and how pricing differs between our dickens countries. possibly the most important differences are those of honorable positions, such(prenominal) as fr y labor and sexism.A Chinese workers attitude toward the job and the workplace depends on what position they see in an organization. China is considered a collectivist society, which implys the mass of people in spite of appearance the society act in the interests of the group and non inescapably themselves (Geert Hofstede, 2010). The join States is considered an individualistic society and emphasizes the imwork forceseness of the individual. This overly applies to the way these countries do logical argument. A collectivist line of ingatherings organization whitethorn save a team of workers contributing to converge e genuinely last(predicate) the customers, whereas an individualistic duty whitethorn suffer several individual representatives who severally commence their own client list. a nonher(prenominal) difference in the workplace is how large an organizations queen hold is.Power distance is the accedeance that all individuals in the society are non equal (Geert Hofstede, 2010). China has a truly large power distance, which means its workers accept the fact that there is a hierarchy at bottom the organization, and they know their place within that organization. They expect power within the business to be distributed unevenly. The unify States has a let down Power Distance acceptance, which means that workers fagt accept that power is distributed unequally within the organization, and they expect to be interact as equals to even the people in the highest positions of the business. The Chinese also accept that conclusion making comes from the top, whereas in the U.S., every i wants their suggestion and public opinion to be heard, and they do not ever so accept decisions that are made within the organization.Thedifferences between Chinese and U.S. labor laws are subtle, but still outlay mentioning. In China, a normal working calendar week is 44 hours, with a maximum of 48 hours ( lonesome(prenominal) 4 hours of all overtim e is allotted). In the U.S., a normal working week is 40 hours, with overtime paid on any hours worked over that 40. Maternity leave is up to 3 months paid in China. In the U.S., Maternity leave is up to 12 months unpaid (at the attach tos discretion). Surprisingly, women in China puzzle out 80.5% of what men in the same position take shape, whereas in the U.S., women only pass water 70% of what men make in the same position (Guo).In China, businesses tend to plant an emphasis on per passwordal consanguinitys between business partners. An initial business meeting willing populate of hitchting to know the personality and lifestyles of the one you are entering into a relationship with (Graf). Chinese business owners will want a loyal friendship when considering associations. This governance of sociable networks and influential relationships that facilitate business andother hoi polloiings is called guanxi (Mah, 2012). In the fall in States, owners of a business as sound a s the workers within that organization hit to keep their personal and professional lives different. though some partners end up creation friends, and many an(prenominal) workers build friendships outside of the workplace, it is not the intention at the start of a business relationship.Gift giving is also a large cultural difference. In the coupled States, if a gift is disposed at the start of a business meeting, or the start of an association, it can be seen as bribery or a way to make businesses feel have in working together. Chinese organizations are much more accepting of gifts although definite etiquettes must be followed in come out for the gift to be given in good faith (Culture crossing over Guide). For deterrent example, gifts must be nicely wrapped and may not be opened make up away unless prompted to do so. Also, do not give any gifts such as clocks, flowers, or cutting instruments as it is considered disrespectful. talks style is a major difference between the United States and China. In China, social context, personal relations, and non-verbal behavior are very important in negotiation. There are usually many people from the friendship who attend the meeting to discuss any topics that need negotiation. Americans value legal contracts and documents over personal relationships, and do not put as much stock in body language. American businesses usually only send one or two people do the negotiating on behalf of the consummate companionship.For the purposes of this paper, let us assume that an American Company has seen great success with its play subject product. This caller is bearing to expand its business to China. There is usually a train for romances in any country and in China, 17.1% (roughly 223 million) of the nations population is infra 14 years old (Central intuition Agency). investigate also shows that the total retail gross sales of hornswoggles in China have outgrowthd by 14.2% since 2010 (HKTDC Research, 2014).T he Design of this take on would have to be carefully rethought, oddly if it is a doll or Barbie token toy. The doll would have to be re maked to gibe the needs of the churlren in China. Skin Color, Clothing, and accessories would all need to be redesigned. For example, although most girl-intended American Dolls wear pink, pink is considered a gender-neutral alter in China. The color white is also associated with death and mourning, so any conjugal union dress dolls would need to be recolored to the tralatitious Chinese color of red (KaiWen, 2010).The vestments of the doll would probably have to fix more modest. In looking at Chinese dolls, most are robed in Geisha style robes. The United States dolls tend to show more skin. The advancement of the doll would also have to be translated to Chinese. The company would also need to ward off any symbolism that might get out Chinese parents or even the government, such as any American paraphernalia, desire the flag, or anyth ing with a religious context, like a cross.Imagine the price of this toy is $5.00. The value of a $1.00 is equal to 117.78 (). That would mean that the exchange rate on the toy would be $588.90. But with the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) factor, we know that Chinas market exchange rate is .6 ( institution Bank, internationalist Comparison Program Database, 2014). This means that China would in truth pay 60% of what the United States would pay for the toy. The price of the toy would be353.34 . This price could be adjusted depending on competition in the Chinese market. The American company would also need to increase the price based on exportation costs.A sale price, or discounted price, in China is also different from what a sale price would be considered in the United States. In the U.S., if a product is on sale, the advertisement might feel out 10% off. In China, they advertise the piece of the price that you would pay for, in this example 90% (Tyson, 2014). Good times for sale s would be around National Chinese Holidays, such as the Chinese upstart Year (Spring Festival), May Day, or the Mid-Autumn Festival. some(prenominal) sales channels can be used to elicit a product in China. Traditional avenues include major shopping centers, specialty stores, and franchise chains. There is also the internet platform and many sites such as Amazon or One of the best ways to geological fault into the toy market in China is to have the toy include educational or technological aspects. This would help pass the available channels of the toys to include museums, zoos, and electronic stores. This is very different from the United States, who tends to promote and market to the different genders. Most American toys are either for girls or for boys there arent very many gender-neutral toys. beneficial like in the United States, China has import and trade regulations. Some of these regulations include import inspection (Regulations for the Administration of reassessment of Toy Imports and Exports), attention to the potential risk of exposure of toys, China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and streamers such as plush toy fillings should be even and of an appropriate softness with no hard objects inside. It is also worth noting the normalisation Law of the Peoples state of China, where four levels of standards are stipulated national standards, constancy standards, local standards, and enterprise standards.This company will have to adhere to all of these standard and regulations in magnitude to export the toys from the United States to China. Another option for the company would be to open a factory in China, or use a preexistent Chinese toy factory to manufacture the toys and sell / distribute locally. In order to reach the more ruralareas of China, this company might consider making a deal with a Chinese company that already distributes to those small towns and rural areas. If this company does decide to open a factory in China , or utilize a preexisting factory, it will have to deal with ethical issues such as child labor, and sexism. pincerlabor has been a astray controversial issue for many years. The chinaware Law on the Protection of minor league was first passed in 1991, and the newly rewrite Minors Protection Law entered the draw off in 2007. Many International rights documents have also been implemented by the UN (depository library of Congress). Although the child labor conditions have been described as improved in China, there are actually no statistics or livelihood to back it up. We still hear reports of Child Labor issues existing in China. As a company looking to do business in China, it is important to manipulate certain standards within the organization that do not support and do punish child labor. Although women in China make a higher percentage of what men make (80.5%) than what women in American make compared to men (70%), there is still a lot of sexism in the society and the cu lture of Chinese businesses.For example, women must always agnize men first, and it is not acceptable for women to look men in the eye. Women are not allowed in higher or executive positions within the organization. Women are still anticipate to meet a nice man, get married, have children, and take care of the household. Not to mention the fact that having a son is extremely preferable to having a daughter in most Chinese families. darn this behavior would be considered abhorrent (mostly) in Western cultures, foreign businesses may actually benefit from Chinas backsliding in regards to women. Foreign businesses may operate the talented women for executive positions that Chinese businesses have ignored or cast excursion (Harris, 2010).While there are many differences between the Chinese culture and ethics from those of the United States, expanding a business in China can be reciprocally beneficial and successful. There is a isotropy between Chinese and American societies and l aws that must be found, or all parties may be unhappy. Before growing your business to a foreign country, much research and planning must be done. Or, as the Chinese proverb says, if a things worth doing, its worth doing well.Works CitedCentral Intelligence Agency. (n.d.). The World Factbook China. Retrieved from Central Intelligence Agency https// program library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ch.html Culture Crossing Guide. (n.d.). China. Retrieved from Culture Crossing Guide http// Geert Hofstede, G. J. (2010). Cultures and Organizations Software of the Mind. sassy York McGraw-Hill USA. Retrieved from The Hofstede Centre.Graf, R. (n.d.). 10 Major Cultural Differences mingled with China and the United States. Retrieved from Hubpages http// Guo, B. (n.d.). Chinas Labor Standards Myths and Realities. Retrieved from http// Harris, D. (2010, 12 16). Sexism in Cina. A Good Thing for Foreign profession? Retrieved from China Law Bloghttp// ss.htmlHKTDC Research. (2014, 09 18). Chinas Toy Market. Retrieved from HKTDC Research http// KaiWen. (2010, 11 09). Ask the Chinese Girl. Retrieved from Blogspot http// Library of Congress. (n.d.). Childrens Rights China. Retrieved from Library of Congress http//, R. (2012, 11 23). Cultural Differences mingled with America and China. Retrieved from World-Class Business Etiquette http// agitate/92662/Cultural-Differences-Between-America-a nd-China Startup Overseas. (n.d.). Expanding a Business in China. Retrieved from Startup Overseas http// Tyson, K.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Infrastructure is currently an agency, instead of an asset.Thus, a foundation in which an organization can determine how to achieve current and future aims. There are many types of EA frameworks start with specified capabilities. Some of these frameworks include ToGAF, Zachman, FEAF, DoDAF and EAP. The aim of this unpublished paper is to analyze ToGAF, and analyze how it compares with other EA frameworks.As the database consultant it will be required to help with the growth of a design plan for young student records.Business architecture allows the definition of governance, business strategy, the organization and any other important processes of the given organization.Applications architecture allows the special provision of the blueprint for the specific application to enable the interaction, deployment and create relationships between the important business cognitive processes of a given organization. Data architecture describes the structure of the given organization and defin es physical and logical available data assets that are in the given organization. Technical architecture defines the software, hardware logical and network infrastructure that is in place and the required technical resources to accomplish the special mission in question.

Although there might be other system which may call for improved degree of european integration for instance one of these information systems may perform better in isolation.Its ability to be tailored ensures that organizational needs are factored in each of the different execution steps of the architecture planning process. The process is usually cyclic and iterative because the entire process is split into phases. The ADM supports nine phases; the part first is the preliminary and the second to the ninth ranges from Phase A to Phase H. Each phase requirements are checked and ensured that it fulfills its basic needs.Early contractor participation is an increasing trend, resulting in an improved function for the profession therefore the digital construction design might be used for procurement, construction sequencing and cost management to prepare the integration protocols unlooked for builders and subcontractors.Enterprise Continuum brings together Solutions and Architecture Continuum. The Architecture Continuum different structures the re-usable architecture assets, which brings together representations, rules, relationships of information systems that are available to the enterprise.The Solutions Continuum defines the blocks that are used by the Architecture Continuum. This then allows the architectural old building models and blocks that assists building the architecture design and eliminates ambiguity during statistical analysis and implementation of the process.

Furthermore, the organizations implement the ones that arent relevant and do logical not analyze.The Zachman Framework covers the 30 cells, but the TOGAF does not cover click all the cells. However, it is possible for the TOGAF to develop viewpoints to accomplish aspects of Zachman Framework. Nevertheless, there are some viewpoints that are supported by TOGAF, which are not included in the Zachman Framework. For example, the missing viewpoints include manageability and security.Kind of support is used to grasp the technical, social, and healthcare troubles.FEAF structure resembles with TOGAF because it is portioned into Data, Business, Technology logical and Applications Architectures.Thus, it contains guidance that is analogous to TOGAF architecture and its architectural viewpoints logical and perspectives. However, the rows that are in the FEAF matrix do not directly large map to TOGAF structure. However, the mapping of ADM to Zachman Framework has some significant correlatio n between TOGAF and FEAF.

Its possible to discover businesses that provide incredibly affordable rates.The first three various phases in the EAP (Business Architecture) maps to the Phase B of TOGAF ADM. multiple Baseline Description, which is the step 4 in EAP maps to Phases C and D of TOGAF ADM.These are some of the basic features that both frameworks share. However, EAP what does not support taxonomy of various views and viewpoints when compared to the TOGAF architecture.The capability to share sources is regarded as a means to produce the organization more resource efficient.This perspective is different when it comes to the DODAF architecture. DoDAF main functionality focus on the architecture through a god given set of views without any specified methodology, a perspective that is different from TOGAF, which has a specific methodology (Bernus & red Fox 2005). ADM guides the way that TOGAF operates, an aspect that is less exhibited in the DoDAF.This is because the same purpose of architecture determ ines description of use and supports a well tailored process to fulfill the requirements of the EA (McGovern & Ambler 2003).

There are plenty of benefits which are supplied as a consequence of implementation and the economic development of powerful relationships.Deliverables and artifacts that are defined in the DoDAF have no corresponding parts in the TOGAF ADM. This is because DoDAF goes deeper in determining details of the specific architecture. Thus, DoDAF are at the system design level rather than in TOGAF, which is in the architecture level. Nevertheless, the level of detail best can be included in the ADM especially at Phase B, C and D of the TOGAF.The thought of starting a military post writing and promotion strategy might attempt in order to be enormous venture, but should the occasion you accept it one step for a moment, it turns into a wonderful deal.Thus, TOGAF plays an important role, which is envisaged by other Enterprise Architecture Framework. It fulfills the requirements that it is assigned, however, fulfills it different from the other EA frameworks. ReferencesBernus, P. & Fox, M. < /p>

The intention of this private enterprise is signaled in the former clause.It brings together the different models and forms of a framework into fulfilling a requirement. Thus, it develops interchange mathematical models between the given modeling tools, maintain its interdependencies and knowledge on the re-use of enterprise models.The authors also provide only means towards the achievement of the ISO9001:2000. The book brings into consideration Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing (DIISM’04) and kidney International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology (ICEIMT’04).The objective of EA is to present so it may get goals and the company targets the guidelines which could be put into place.New York: Addison-Wesley Publishers. The book provides proven solutions to the problems that are experienced by information system developers.The first book utilizes code example in terms of C+ and Java. The book turns the problems d eeds that are associated with enterprise applications developers into a new strategy that eliminates these problems and ensures deeds that the developers are in an environment that they can easily embrace.

(2005). Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modeling, Communication, and Analysis. New York: Springer. The authors bring clearly the complexities that how are associated with architectural domains.The authors also provide means to assess both qualitative impact and quantitative aspects of the given architectures. Modeling language that is utilized has been used in real-life cases.McGovern, J. & Ambler, S.The book contains guidelines deeds that assist the architects to make sense of the systems, data, services, software, methodologies, logical and product lines. The book also provides explanation of the theory and its application to the less real world business needs. Perks, C. & Beveridge, T.The authors’ clearly explains development of a modeling concept through various technical architecture, e-business and gap analysis. Moreover, the book brings into consideration operating systems and software engineering principles. Moreover, the first book relates EA with service insta nces, distributed computing, application software and enterprise application integration. Ross, J.

The aim of EA is to define the requirements of an organization in terms of new job roles, standardized tasks, infrastructure, system and data. Moreover, the book also gives guidelines in the way that organizations will compete in a digitalized world providing managers with means to make decisions and realize visions that they had planned. Thus, the book explains EA vital role in fulfilling the execution of a given business strategy.The book provides thoughtful case examples, clear frameworks, and a proven and effective only way of achieving EA.New York: Springer Publishers. The authors’ brings into consideration the benefits that are associated with utilizing of varies EA frameworks. It brings into consideration the various differences that are seen in each EA framework. Moreover, the authors explores the benefits that free will result if a given framework is utilized in a given business strategy.New York: Trafford Publishers. This first book defines the role that is pla yed by enterprise Architecture Frameworks bringing clearly the main difference between the common private Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. This book provides the right procedures and means that can allow sexual selection of the right Enterprise Architecture Framework.The book further gives the history and overview of various Enterprise Architecture theoretical Frameworks and the capabilities that the specified Enterprise Architecture.Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make it work. New York: John Wiley and Sons Publications. The authors of the book present a way towards EA that enables organizations to achieve the objectives of their business.The book focuses on governance of the IT organization, legal advice and strategies provide tangible tools that assist in the achievement of the goals of the organization.